
Each team can have a custom voicemail message that plays to callers when the call goes unanswered. This article will show you how to add and configure voicemail for a specific team.

It contains the following sections:

Upload/record a new team voicemail message

  1. Login to your account portal online.
  2. Navigate to Manage Teams.
  3. Select the relevant team and click the pencil icon to edit.
  4. Scroll to what happens if no one picks up.
  5. Ensure you have set this to send to voicemail.
  6. Click the upload icon next to the field what voicemail message should play.
  7. If you want one of your users to receive an automated call that will allow them to record the voicemail message, select a user and click call to record.
  8. Alternatively, click upload file to upload a suitable audio file (see audio file requirements below).
  9. Finished recording/uploading your message.
  10. Click on what voicemail message should play and select your new message from the list. 
  11. Click the play icon to hear your selected message.
  12. Click outside of the field to make the red line disappear.
  13. Then, scroll up and save changes.
Audio file requirements:

- Waveform Audio File Format (.WAV)
- Less than 10mb in size
- File names should not contain any spaces or special characters

Send team voicemail to email

When someone leaves a voicemail it is transcribed so you can read or listen to the message in the Spoke Phone app. You can also have the voicemail emailed to you so you can read or listen to the voicemail from your email. This is how you can set it up:

  1. Login to your account portal online.
  2. Navigate to Manage Teams.
  3. Select the relevant team and click the pencil icon to edit.
  4. Scroll down to send voicemail notifications to these email addresses.
  5. Enter one or more email addresses by hitting the enter key for every email.

If the user does not hit the enter key after typing an email address/addresses, these
will not be saved.

 More Info

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