Using call reporting in Google Sheets

Viewing and using the reporting dashboard

Where is my dashboard?

It is most likely that the dashboard will end up in the 'root' directory in the drive owned by the user who installed the integration. 

If you are using a company account, it can be moved to any of the company drives as well as the installation users personal drive.

The file is named "Spoke Phone Call Reporting".

  • You can safely move the file to your preferred location within the same Google account.
  • You can also safely rename the file.
  • This specific file is the only file that will be updated with new data.  If you duplicate the file and delete the original, the data will no longer be updated, no matter what the name is.

Where is my data?

When installing the integration you will get 3 months of data leading up to the time you install it.

By default, the charts will be filtered to the last month.  If you haven't been using Spoke Phone long, then there may not be any data for that month.  Update the date range to something more recent to see some data.

Working with the dashboard

The Google sheet is organized into three sheets.  For the most part, you should only need to interact with the 'Charts' sheet.

The top section contains the date range picker.  Double click inside the 'Date is between' cells in order to bring up the date picker and select the from and to dates.

Once selected, the reporting dashboard will redraw with the selected date range.

NOTE: If you have more than 20,000 calls logged, the dashboard will begin to respond slowly.  Give it a few seconds to update.  See the section below if you need to restart the reporting fresh. 


Diving into the results

If you wish to view the individual call data related to a certain statistic from the dashboard, you can do this.  Head on over to the 'Pivot1' sheet.  Within here find the cell you are interested in and simply double click it to open up a new sheet with the source data automatically filtered to the area of interest.


Ensure you clean up any extra sheets you don't wish to keep or simply move them to a new spreadsheet if you wish to further analyze or work with that data separately.


Getting too slow?

If you have 20,000 records or more and are finding things slow, you can simply remove the integration and then add it again to create a new call reporting dashboard.  The new dashboard will begin logging the calls and the old one will no longer be updated.

Pick a good time to roll over to a new dashboard, for example, the end of the month.


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