This article outlines the best practices when setting up your Active Directory User Sync with Spoke Phone. Spoke's Active Directory Sync allows users to be created/updated/deleted automatically as you make changes to your corporate directory.
- Directory Sync has been enabled and configured in Spoke (contact Spoke support or your Partner to have this feature enabled)
- You have Administrator access to one of the Directory Providers that Spoke supports
Testing your implementation before going live
We strongly recommend testing the sync on a few users before adding everyone to the sync. As you see the sync results, you may find that you need to delete your setup and start again, so it's a good idea to work with maybe your IT team as the test users.
This testing process will also give you a change to test different field mappings, check out the (optional) invite email sent to employees, etc.
Once your test sync completes, you should be able to see the newly created user within the Users -> Manage Users menu within the Spoke Phone Account Console. If you edit the a synced users account, you should see a banner stating that the account is managed via your company's directory platform and changes should be applied there.
Any changes after initial syncing can take up to 20 minutes depending on your active directory settings.
Testing that user extensions map correctly to Spoke
Every Spoke Phone User created will automatically receive an extension number. If you have existing extension numbers that you want to assign to users, add those extension numbers into the Office Phone field within your employee directory so those extensions are added to the user in Spoke.
User rights & permissions set for synced users
Users that are synced to Spoke will receive the Member permission role during the sync, which means the user will be able to download and login to the Spoke Phone App. Users with the Member role will not be able to login to the Account Management Portal.
Only Users with the Administrator role have permission to login to the Account Management Portal.