
Spoke Phone's Business Messaging allows Spoke Phone users to send and receive messages and files to each other, and to customers over the following channels:

Chat The sending/receiving of chat messages and files between two teammates or groups of teammates.
SMS/MMS The sending/receiving of SMS and MMS messages between a customer and one Spoke Phone User or a Customer and a group of Spoke Phone Users.
Group SMS The sending of messages to a selected group of recipients over SMS, allowing each person in the group to see all recipients and reply to everyone.
WhatsApp The sending/receiving of WhatsApp messages between a customer and one Spoke Phone User or a Customer and a group of Spoke Phone Users.

Customer messaging

Spoke Phone offers robust inbound and outbound business messaging with customers, including:

  • Channels: SMS, MMS, WhatsApp
  • Conversation Formats: 
    • 1:1 conversations between a single participants and a single Spoke Phone user
    • 1:Group conversations between single participants and many Spoke Phone users
    • Group SMS conversations between a small group of external participants and one or more Spoke Phone Users.
  • Team Inbox that consolidates customer messages into a single place that multiple employees can see and respond to messages
  • Bulk Messaging via API or Zapier for automatically sending outbound messages
  • Regulatory Opt In/Out Compliance for meeting the global regulations regarding the sending of business SMS and WhatsApp messages to customers

Understanding Conversations, Shared Numbers, and Message Routing

Conversations vs., Messages

A conversation is a series of messages about a topic.  There are two ways new conversations start: 1) those started by a customer (inbound), and 2) those started by a user (outbound).

A message is the individual back-and-forth TXT, files, etc. that are sent during a conversation.

If a customer that has never messaged your company were to send an SMS or WhatsApp, that would be a new inbound conversation.  That conversation can be routed to one or more people inside your company, depending on how you've setup your message routing, and, one or more people could reply to that message, again, depending on your rules.

If however, A Spoke Phone user were to send an outbound message to a new customer, that would start a new outbound conversation, and replies from that customer would only go to that one user, unless that user adds more people to the conversation.

By default, conversations close after a period of inactivity, a user can manually close a conversation. Unlike personal text messages on your phone, business messages will close after 30 days or inactivity. New messages form/to the customer will create a new conversation. The history of the conversations will be stored in your CRM via the Spoke Phone Integrations, and you are able to display the content of those past conversations during future phone calls with the customer, by using Spoke Phone Caller Insights.

Dedicated numbers v.s Shared Numbers

Spoke Phone supports both dedicated numbers ( a number assigned to a specific person that is their private number for calls and messages), and shared number or shared line appearance, a number that more than one person can use to send/recieve calls and messages.

  • Dedicated Number: If you want a person to have a dedicated number for private inbound/outbound conversations, assign them a DID
  • Shared Numbers:
    • If you want a team of people to be able to see and collaborate on inbound conversations that a customer starts with the company, then use a Team Inbox
    • If you want some or everyone to share one or more numbers to start outbound conversations with customers (send an SMS or WhatsApp)

Conversation Routing

  1. Dedicated Numbers (DID):
    • If a customer sends an SMS to a number assigned as a DID to a specific user, those messages are automatically routed to that one user and no one else sees or can collaborate on that message.
    • A DID that is assigned to a specific user can be used by other user's to send messages by adding that number to an Allowable CallerID (ANI) List
    • Administrators can intercept messages sent to a DID and change the routing and perform other actions, using Spoke Phone Inbound Conversation Data Actions. Outbound Conversation Data Actions are coming in October 2024.
  2. Shared Numbers:
    • Team Inbox: Today you can assign a number to a Team Inbox
      • By default, whatever users you add to that team see and can respond to inbound customers conversations (started by a customer).
      • You can change what users get added to a specific conversation (altering the default Team Inbox behavior), by using Spoke Phone Inbound Conversation Data Actions.
      • As users reply to customers from the Team Inbox, all replies go out from the phone number assigned to the Team Inbox.
      • Team Inboxes cannot be used to start outbound conversations with customers, they are for Inbound Conversations only.
    • Shared Numbers: You can share an SMS or WhatsApp number so that multiple users can start new outbound conversations with customers using the same number.
      • Replies from a customer to conversations started by a user using a shared number are routed back to that single user by default
      • If the user chooses to send from a shared number that is also assigned to a Team Inbox, then replies to that conversation go back to the Team Inbox
      • If a customer was to start a new inbound conversation to a shared number that is not assigned as a DID or not assigned to Team Inbox, by default the messages would not be routed to anyone. Our recommended setup is to always assign shared numbers to a Team Inbox, so that new inbound conversations always go somewhere.  Customers could also use the Spoke Phone Inbound Conversation Data Actions to determine where to route conversations on a case-by-case basis.

Internal team messaging

Spoke Phone internal messaging and file share for employees to chat with each other, including:
  • 1:1 chat
  • Group chat


  • Internal 1:1 and Group chat is available to all Spoke Phone users
  • 1:1 customer conversations over SMS/MMS is available to all Spoke Phone users
  • Group:1 conversations, Group SMS, Team Inbox, and WhatsApp are only available to Spoke Phone Users on the Pro-CX license.


  • Business Chat is available to all Spoke Phone customers in every country.
  • Business SMS is currently available to Spoke Phone customers in most countries. 
  • Group SMS is currently available to Spoke Phone customers in most countries. 
  • Business MMS is currently available to Spoke Phone customers in most countries, but may be limited to inbound MMS only in some countries. 
  • Business WhatsApp is currently available to Spoke Phone customers in any country that supports WhatsApp use.


Business Chat No requirements.
Business SMS, Group SMS

To send/receive Business SMS/MMS you must have at least one SMS Enabled phone number in your Spoke Phone Account.

A single SMS enabled phone number can be used by all employees (e.g. everyone sends/receives SMS via the one company number), or an employee can be assigned a dedicated SMS enabled phone number (DID) specifically for their use.

Business WhatsApp
  • The company must have a verified WhatsApp for Business Account
  • Spoke Phone or a Spoke Phone Partner is required to setup the WhatsApp service
Opt In/Out Regulatory Compliance

Spoke Phone or a Spoke Phone Partner is required to setup regulatory compliance rules, keywords, and messages for each country you intend to operate in.

File sending limits

You can share/send images, documents and other files on Business Chat and Business SMS.

Product File Types Maximum
Business Chat JPG, JPEG, GIF, PNG, BMP, TIFF, MP4, MPEG, QUICKTIME, CSV, PDF, RTF, and most other media types 20 MB
Business WhatsApp JPG, JPEG, PNG, AMR, 3GP, AAC, MPEG, PDF, DOC, DOCX, PPTX, XLSX, MP4 (with H.264 video codec and AAC audio), Contacts: vCard (.vcf)

Files: 16MB

Images: 5 MB

Special SMS requirements and costs for US customers

US regulations (10LOC) that protect against spam messaging require that we verify and file your address with the appropriate carriers and agencies.

For US customers or customers in other countries who send TXT messages from a US number to people with US numbers, there are costs to set up, verify,  file, and maintain your company with the regulatory bodies in the US that control SMS message sending and spam.

For US customers or customers sending SMS from US numbers to US numbers
One-time filing and verification US$150
Monthly account fee US$20

Disclaimers, Limitations, and Exclusions

Sending Bulk or Mass SMS Messages

Spoke Phone is designed for business calls, chat, SMS, and WhatsApp conversations between employees and customers. It is not designed as an SMS Marketing or Bulk SMS Sending Platform. However, Customers wanting to send bulk SMS messages can do so using Spoke Phone's Zapier integration or the Spoke Phone API, both of which allow you to send bulk SMS messages on behalf of a Spoke Phone user and/or team.

Business Messaging vs. Personal Messaging Apps/Services

Business Messaging is not the same as personal SMS or WhatsApp messaging. It comes with limitations and complexities placed by carriers and Meta, that can be hard to understand and setup. Message routing to teams of people, sharing numbers, intercepting messages, and other advanced capabilities give you a lot of flexibility, but also require some thought and planning.  The Spoke Phone Professional Services team can help you plan the best approach for your specific use-case.

MMS Messaging

Spoke Phone supports full two-way MMS messaging for the sending/receiving of files and images over SMS. The service is restricted to countries that permit VoIP providers (like Spoke Phone), to send/receive MMS messages. In some countries (such as Australia), the regulators only permit the sending of MMS messages and will not deliver MMS messages to Spoke Phone. 

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