Once you have deployed Spoke Speedy, you need to give one or more Flex Agents the rights to use and/or manage Speedy. By default, Workers are not assigned Speedy rights. This is done by adding attributes to your Workers in the Twilio TaskRouter Workspace for Flex.
Twilio Flex Worker Attributes for Spoke Speedy
Worker Attribute | Behavior |
"speedy_launch_mode":"manual" |
"speedy_launch_mode":"auto" |
"speedy_role":"consoleManager" |
"speedy_allow_calls":"internal" |
"speedy_allow_calls":"any" |
"speedy_internal_ivr_number": |
Which Spoke Speedy launch mode to use for your for Flex agents
- Automatic - Opens Spoke Speedy as soon as a call is answered. This is the preferred behavior for receptionists, operators, and agents who handle a high volume of calls.
- Manual - Opens Spoke Speedy when the Flex Agent presses Flex's default Call Transfer button
Adding Spoke Speedy attributes to TaskRouter Workers
- Go to your Twilio Console
- Navigate to TaskRouter -> Workspace
- Select the Workspace configured for Flex
- Navigate to Workers
- Edit the Worker you desire, and Add one of the required attributes (see above) to their properties. E.g. This Flex Worker has been given access to Speedy in manual launch mode.
- Repeat for each Agent that will use Spoke Speedy
Note: Agent's must refresh the Flex browser to load these new Worker attributes.