
Spoke Speedy Operator Bulletins are short information alerts that show when people are about to  transfer or place an internal call. Typically these bulletins are set by system administrators or a connected system (such as a HR or calendar app), and serve to inform operators in Spoke Speedy, or Spoke users in the Spoke App, about things to consider before making or transferring a call to an internal teammate or call group.


Diagram 1. Example Operator Bulletins in Spoke Speedy



Spoke Speedy Operator Bulletins:

  • Can be managed manually by Agents in Twilio Flex that have been given Speedy Console Manager rights
  • Can be added and deleted automatically by connecting a scheduling or other system to Speedy via Spoke's Developer APIs
  • Can be set to display immediately, or in the future
  • Can be set to remove at a future date/time, or remain indefinitely
  • Can apply to a Spoke teammate or  Call Group, or a legacy PBX trunk user, device, or queue



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