Register a number as WhatsApp Sender

Registering WhatsApp Phone numbers as Senders

  1. Within Twilio Console, go to Messaging -> Senders -> WhatsApp Senders
  2. Acknowledge and Confirm the Terms and Conditions
  3. Create a new Sender and select your Twilio Phone Number and click Continue
  4. Click on Continue with Facebook and follow the on screen user selection stepsĀ 
  5. Complete your Business Information and click Next
  6. Leave Blank WhatsApp Business Account & Select WhatsApp Business Profile
  7. Complete the WhatsApp Business Account Name, Profile Display, Timezone & Category
  8. Enter the Twilio Phone Number and select phone call for the activation code

Enter the verification code and click Next -> Continue -> Finish

*Please assign a number to be verified to your user to avoid delays and issues. This can be reassigned when verification is completed.

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