
This article will show you how to add users to your Spoke Phone company account. Users you add will be sent an invite to download the app on their mobile phones. Once the app is downloaded and they have completed the login process, users will be able to make and receive company phone calls on their mobile. 

How to manually add a user

  1. Login to your Account Portal online.
  2. Go to the Users menu and select Add User.
  3. Fill in the new user details.
  4. You will need either the user's email address or mobile phone number. 
  5. Click on Send Invite.
  6. The user will receive an email or a TXT message (depending on what you entered), with a link that takes them directly to the respective App Store / Play Store where they can download and login to the Spoke Phone app.

You can now add your users to teams so they can start receiving company calls. 

NOTE: Users will not be able to receive or make company calls until they have 
successfully downloaded the app, logged in, and completed the necessary
iPhone / Android phone optimization steps.




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